What partner dancing can teach us about employee engagement

What partner dancing can teach us about employee engagement

The essence of employee engagement is where both parties know the rules and you are dancing to the same tune — your brand purpose and values. One party leads and the other follows, yet both are free to interpret and express themselves in synch with the rhythms of the music and the beat of the brand.

Contemplating ideas

Contemplating ideas

Ideas live at the intersection of experience, process and intuition. Sometimes they come from concerted effort and other times they are the fruit of sub-conscious cogitation.

Seeing the familiar in new ways

Seeing the familiar in new ways

As a problem-solver and story teller, one must try to avoid turning into a creative zombie by seeking new sources of inspiration at the well of the familiar, even as it often runs dry. Revisit, recalibrate, retool. Refresh.

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